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Slash Of Sword €? Arena And Fights Unlocked


Fight on the arena, earn fame, get famous. Exciting, bloody gladiator fights are waiting for you! Fight fairly 1 on 1 or try to defeat 10 fighters. Rest from the battles in the village, upgrade your skills, unlock new weapons and armor.

Wow!! What a tough fight this is!! It took me nearly two hours to beat these guys down!! Leon is exactly the same as before; except that he is, of course, much stronger. Take him out first. Have Donald and Goofy keep Cloud occupied. Use guard to deflect Leon's blows, and when his weapon transforms, jump or Glide out of harm's way. Attack him after he performs his rising slash. Ars Arcanum and Strike Raid are very effective. Always make sure that AEROGA is cast, and stays that way for the entire fight. Once Leon is gone, you can focus on Cloud. He does that charge thing again, which will probably wipe out your teammates. If it does, don't worry about reviving them. When Cloud jumps up and drives his sword into the ground, hit him immediately afterwards with a combo or Ars Arcanum. You can also nail him right after he lands from his invincibility glide, where he is surrounded by yellow lightning.

Slash of Sword – Arena and Fights Unlocked

Head out into level 56 Wilderness to start, but watch out for player-killers. The arena has a bank, so there is no need to bring any equipment besides a knife, sword, or other slashing weapon. The quickest way to get there is by use of the lever in the ruins of Edgeville or in the small building near the gate to West Ardougne. Pulling either of these levers will teleport you to the Deserted Keep, a small island surrounded by lava in level 54 Wilderness. From there, run north, slash the web with your knife, sword, or other slashing weapon, and then proceed west a short distance to the northern entrance of the Mage Arena.

Due to the large size of her flame sword it is not recommended to dodge backwards when she does combos. Wield your weapon two-handed and watch her sword. You can roll towards her when she does a wide range sword slash. Her long arms make it relatively easy to roll under and past her and get a few hits on her backside. Attacking her beside her right leg is generally safer than beside her left one, since she wields her sword in her left hand. Do not be greedy with your attacks; you are unlikely to get more than two in before she counterattacks. Move away once the second part begins. In the second phase things become more complicated. Do not attempt to block the entirety of her spin attack as she will certainly stagger you; abuse pillars and try to dodge some of it. You must play more reactively in this phase, as safely approaching her during combos has become more difficult and remaining close to her is out of the question. Wait for her to perform an attack with a long ending animation, then hit her and move away again (being very wary of the delayed action on some of her magic effects). You have time to strike her once during the jump & spin combo, between the landing AoE and the circular slash (dodge backwards at least once after the attack). Continue patiently getting hits in and avoid endangering yourself and you will win before long. You may also use projectile consumables to damage her more safely, although in phase 2 if you distance yourself from her she will jump and reposition herself, which will also involve an attack.

"The Pole Monarch who perches on top of the Jokul can not only strafe with a variety of weapons transformed from its Demonic Aura, but can also quickly approach and slash their enemy with an ice sword. In combat, the Pole Monarch can take advantage of spiritual aura to enhance themselves. All your firepower will be needed to achieve a quick victory."

The Dual Wielder class is the second class unlocked within the Swordmaster branch. It can be unlocked by reaching Level 15 and choosing to unlock Dual Wielder or by spending 200 Robux. The Dual Wielder wields two Longswords. This class has an extremely high attack speed, but a low damage output. Even though it has low damage, the high speed makes up for it. The Combat Rhythm skill is highly effective if used correctly alongside other skills, and if played smart, can become very deadly in both PvE and PvP.

Omnislash is performed by Cloud charging up his sword, and then lunging towards an enemy to unleash a barrage of sword strikes, before jumping in the air and charging his final attack that he brings down on the enemy.

The Swordsmachine is a terror in close combat, making avoiding its slashes a priority. Most of its melee attacks can be easily dodged by jumping in the air, as the Swordsmachine is restricted to the ground. Both of the Swordsmachine's ranged attacks (shotgun and sword throw) aren't particularly accurate, making them trivial to avoid. If you are forced to engage a Swordsmachine on the ground, you can consistently stay out of its melee range by carefully timing your dashes. Sliding also makes you move faster than the Swordsmachine.

Isshin Phase 1: He will start a decent distance away from you. His main attacks will be a rather quick. One of his main ones being a double slash with considerable distance. He will sheath his sword and it will flash white, then he will dash and double slash. Deflecting both attacks is an option however, you can run backwards and sprint to the side. Once he slashes he is open for a quick two hits. His main slashes are a three to four hit combo, delaying between each hit. A thrust for an easy Mikiri counter, which will be telegraphed as he will end up in the thrust position before committing. Along with these attacks, he will do a long range wind attack, which can be dodge by running sideways as you can get a couple free hits on him this way as well. And a close range, full screen sweep, giving you just enough time to sprint backwards before it goes off. Once you get the deathblow in phase 1, he may continue to attack for a second before stomping the ground to begin phase 2.

This arena is Pit Stop, an abandoned gas station populated by Bandits. The player must defend the gas pumps from attack or else they will fail the stage. As the player fights and gets stronger, gaining more money and experience, they will unlock the second arena to fight in, The Foundry, a factory belonging to MERC. After unlocking endless waves for The Foundry, the player will be informed by the Pilot that they should check the computer in the Hub. After doing so, 2bdamned instructs the player to take on their second contract mission.

The player arrives in Central City yet again via the bus, on the same street from Contract 1. The player is immediately recognized by a Tough, who runs to inform the Vendevice of their presence. Soon after, the player is attacked by Toughs and the Vendevice, a Mafia group operating in Central city. The player battles both the Toughs and the Vendevice, fighting their way back into the same warehouse as before. The player fights deeper into the warehouse, killing Toughs and Vendevice as they go. Eventually the player finds some boxes of which they snoop through, figuring out that what they came here for is indeed here. The next room has the player battling the second boss of arena, the Chefs. After defeating the Chefs, the player goes into the freezer, to where they're informed by one of the chefs that he can help the player. The player collects the machine they came here to be, which turns out to be an Enmeshment machine. 2ff7e9595c


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